
Pregnancy: controlling your weight is important

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Weight gain during pregnancy is inevitable and even necessary for the proper development of the fetus. However, it is recommended to monitor the pounds gained on the scale each quarter in order to maintain good health. So how do you control your weight before the baby arrives? All our advice.

10, 20, 30 kilos… During pregnancy, each woman gains weight gradually, month after month. This factor is subject to increased monitoring in order to avoid any complications. But concretely, what are we risking? What are the methods to effectively control your weight according to your pregnancy trimester? All our answers.

Control your weight before pregnancy

While it is important to monitor your weight during pregnancy, it is also essential to pay particular attention to our weight before becoming pregnant. Indeed, it is preferable to start your pregnancy with a healthy weight. This factor has a strong influence on fertility. A BMI that is too low or too high will have to be readjusted to maintain a balance between muscle mass and fat mass. In addition, diabetic women will also have to pay attention to their weight. Thus, your pregnancy can be approached under good hospices.

Pregnancy: what causes weight gain?

During pregnancy, weight gain is inherent in the development of the baby, the charge of the placenta, the formation of the membranes and the umbilical cord as well as the amniotic fluid. In addition, the increase in the volume of the breasts, the uterus and the blood is also significant during this period. Finally, when we are pregnant, we are prone to water retention and we absorb calories differently.

Pregnancy: what is the ideal weight gain?

The ideal weight gain is on average between 11 and 16 kilos for a woman whose BMI is normal. For women with a low healthy weight before pregnancy, it is recommended to gain between 12 and 18 kilos. On the other hand, for those who are overweight, it is advisable not to gain more than 11 kg. These figures are only indicators and vary according to each woman. It is therefore strongly advised not to follow any diet during pregnancy. Depriving yourself of essential nutrients for health could seriously harm the development of the fetus and lead to health problems for the mother-to-be. On the other hand, excessive weight gain can upset the smooth running of pregnancy and affect the return to your healthy weight.

Pregnancy: What are the risks of excessive weight gain?

Fancy a four-cheese pizza at 3 a.m. or a chocolate cake in the middle of the afternoon? Calm your ardor. It is normal to have unexpected cravings. It’s all about knowing how to master them. Indeed, excessive weight gain can have serious consequences on your health and well-being during pregnancy. Among them is back pain. Extra pounds contribute to poor posture, and ultimately, poor belly support. To counter this problem:

  • Stand straight as much as possible. Avoid arching or stooping to pick up an object
  • Practice a sports activity. Swimming is excellent for gently working all the muscles.
  • Avoid wearing high heels. To give you a little height, bet more on small heels of 3-4 centimeters.
  • Practice self-massage or treat yourself to a prenatal massage in an institute
  • When you are in a seated position, avoid crossing your legs. This posture prevents the proper irrigation of the blood.

Extra pounds can also affect the quality of your skin and contribute to the appearance of stretch marks. When weight gain is too sudden, the skin does not have time to get used to it and loses its elasticity. Result ? She cracks. Very often difficult to dislodge, stretch marks are mainly located on the stomach, arms, breasts, buttocks and thighs. Fortunately, preventive solutions such as massage using specific oils help prevent their formation.

Diabetes and hypertension can also be risks. Conversely, a woman who is too thin could give birth to a baby with a low weight and whose risk of physical and mental abnormalities is high.

Pregnancy: how much weight gain by trimester?

From trimester to trimester, weight gain varies. During the first trimester, possible nausea can reduce appetite, even leading to weight loss. The second and third trimester, weight gain sets in according to the rhythm of each. Each week, it is common to gain between 220 g and 0.5 kg.

To calculate your weight gained, discover our table of weight distribution throughout pregnancy:


Recommended number of kilos for a woman with a healthy weight

1st month

2 lbs

 2nd month

2 lbs

 3rd month

2 lbs

 4th month

3 lbs

5th month

3 lbs

6th month

3 lbs

7th month

4 lbs

8th month

4 lbs

Pregnancy: tips to avoid extra pounds

To control your weight, it is advisable to have a balanced diet respecting the feeling of satiety, without skipping meals and to stay active. It is important to have a varied and healthy diet to meet your nutritional needs. Eating slowly is also the key to avoiding any excesses such as snacking.

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